Come rain, come sleet, come hail, and storm, the Black Irish Band played on! The 2023 Calaveras Celtic Faire might have had a weekend of blustery weather, but the Black Irish Band was there to sing the blues away! Joined by one of their original members, Steve McArthur, the Black Irish Band sang to its biggest fans, who came from all over California and beyond to join in the festivities.
Playing alongside bands such as the Wicked Tinkers, Celtica Nova, and Golden Bough, the Black Irish Band helped celebrate the music of the Celtic diaspora with a modern twist. In fact, rumor has it, it was such a good time that it whipped up a tornado on Patrick’s ranch.

We had a blast, as always, playing through the authentic Scottish/Irish weather, and celebrating Patrick’s birthday in the finest fashion at the Celtic Faire, which just finished its 37th year.
Can’t wait to see you at Angel’s Camp next year.